frequently asked questions ?

Can i come for single days?

Registration and attendance are for the whole course.

Can i choose who i share a room with?

You can choose the X2 La Casa, registration, with a single unified payment and you will have a private room for two people.

Can a make a special request for food?

Yes, on the registration form you can indicate any intolerance or product you prefer not to consume.

What happens if i am late on the first day on not arrive at all?

It is very important that you organise yourself to arrive at the scheduled time, the first day we recommend you to be present, however, if you have any particular situation do not hesitate to contact us at

Can I choose more than one specialty?

The answer is YES 🙂 You can choose a maximum of two specialties, two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon.

You cannot do this with the Capillary Suspension technique.

However, in order to evaluate if it is possible, we need to discuss it.

How i arrive to the venue?

We have prepared a special page to help you with all the logistics, you can click below

What level i required to participate?

No level of practice is required, all interested persons are welcome, the training team has the capacity to work with different levels in the same group.

and there are only 9 places per group, to guarantee the quality of the training.

Are there payment facilities?

Yes, we can help you to finance the payment, so please contact us directly at and tell us about your personal situation, we will do the best to make it possible for you to come.

What clothes should i bring?

Training clothes, better if they fit close to the body

Swimming trunks or similar for the swimming pool

Its is still quite hot at this time of the year, despite boing in summer and in te fortes, so we recommend that you bring some warm clothes just in case.

Bring pour own towel

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